What is Body Ready Method®?
The Body Ready Method® method is a holistic approach to preparing your body for pregnancy, labor, and postnatal recovery. It focuses on alignment and body awareness.
Body Ready Method® recognizes that every person is unique, so I take a personalized approach to help create balance for you and your baby. I achieve this by examining your daily life patterns, such as walking, standing, sitting, and breathing patterns, and assessing how they affect the posture and function of your body. By addressing the specific needs of your individual body, I provide you with low-threshold exercises that can often result in immediate improvement. Everyone has different needs and requires different preparation.
Body Ready Method® prepares your body for a more efficient birth and smoother postpartum recovery. Birth is a physiological process, and we believe the body is wise. However, in today’s society, that wisdom is often lost.
Body Ready Method® operates under the belief that all aspects of the body are interconnected and focuses on five key pillars to achieve balance: upper body, core, pelvis, pelvic floor, and movement patterns. During pregnancy, there is often a focus solely on the pelvis, but BRM recognizes that the root of any issue may stem from another part of the body.
Think of it like this: If there are ten people in a room and one person is doing all the work and feeling overwhelmed, instead of just focusing on that one person, we can create balance by involving the other nine individuals in the room.
De Body Ready Method® benadering kan niet alleen lichamelijke ongemakken en kwalen verlichten maar ook voorkomen. Die gewoonlijk als “normaal” worden beschouwd tijdens de zwangerschap, zoals lage rugpijn, bekkenpijn, spanning in de onderbuik of lies, moeite met ademhalen etc. verminderen maar vaak ook voorkomen.