Marketing permissions
Fijne Geboorte will use the information you provide when signing in on Eversports to keep in touch with you and provide updates about new classes, workshops, or extra lessons during holidays. You will hear from us via email. Fijne Geboorte doesn’t send often news letters unless there is something important for you to know like when the studio is closed or important changes. You can change your mind at any time by signing in to your Eversports selecting “email settings” and unclicking the “send me newsletter” option. You can also change your settings by contacting us at We will treat your information with respect. We use MailChimp as our marketing automation platform. By clicking on Eversports Email settings option “send me newsletter“/”stuur me de nieuwsbrief”, you acknowledge that the information you provide (email) will be transferred to MailChimp for processing in accordance with their Privacy Policy and Terms.
If you any questions please contact our studio.
Tel: 0614420867
I have read the terms and conditions and I agree that Fijne Geboorte is in no way responsible for the safekeeping of my personal belongings while I attend classes, appointments or workshops. I voluntarily participate in classes, appointments and workshops at Fijne Geboorte with full knowledge that there is risk of personal injury. If you have doubts about your health condition consult your doctor before commencing any exercise regime.
I agree that neither I, my heirs, assigns or legal representatives will sue or make any other claims of any kind whatsoever against Fijne Geboorte or its members for any personal injury, theft, damage of lost goods.
Enquiries or complaints
If you have any enquiries or complaints please email us: